"If you believe you can make a difference, then you will make a difference. Believe in yourself, your family and your community and you will win."
Lindsay Fox
PNHOA (Pot Nets Home Owners Associaion) was the first HOA established and represented all six communities. Then the state of Delaware put into law that each community must have their own HOA. That was when BHOA (Bayside Home Owners Association) was established.
At that point, PNHOA continued as a social activity group. They sponsor several events that are open to residents of any Pot Net community. Some include bingo, poker runs, music at the beach, Easter egg hunt, and Trunk or Treat for Halloween. They can accept membership from any Pot Nets community.
BHOA became the "legal" representative for Bayside leaseholders. They ensure the landowner acts in accordance with the laws established in Delaware for manufactured home owners. They are expected to be current with legislation affecting Bayside, monitor rent justification for compliance and keep members informed.
In July 2008, the Delaware Legislature passed House Bill 504, “Right of First Offer,” as follows:
· By this Act, a Manufactured Home community owner shall give the Homeowners Association the “Right of First Offer” if there is any intent to sell or transfer any part of or all of the community.
· By this Act, each Manufactured Home community shall have only one registered Association to act on behalf of all leaseholders in the community.
· By this Act, each homeowner of each home site is automatically a member of the recognized Association with respect to Right of First Offer.
In 2011, the Bayside Homeowners Association, Inc., (BHOA) was formed and incorporated in the State of Delaware, and is the only homeowners association authorized and recognized by the Delaware Manufactured Home Relocation Authority (DEMHRA) to represent Pot-Nets Bayside leaseholders in the matter of “Right of First Offer,” and other matters related to Bayside leaseholders, including rent adjustments.
Under the “Right of First Offer,” each leaseholder in good standing has one vote regardless of membership status. Leaseholders in good standing are those leaseholders who have not provided written notice to the Landowner that they are terminating their lease, and those who are not under a legal eviction process.